Today was a day of growth and frustration. It is amazing how quickly one can travel from elation to frustration, from joy to anxiety. The day started with using Tappedin which was a breeze for me (while being challenging to others). Then we moved onto the Lego challenge (challenge is the right word for it) and the anxiety began to set in. When the directions for the challenge were given my anxiety level went through the roof and traveled around the solar system a few times. All I could think about during instruction was what am I going to contribute, how was I going to be a working part of our team (I've played with legos but building robots!!! Way beyond me!). As we went to met with our cohorts, I dragged my feet and participated very little in the discussion of the division of labor (after all if I had little to contribute to the building of the robot, I didn't have anything to say about the work). As soon as our group was assigned it's part of the course, I immediately chimed in with "I'll do the documentation!!" (whew I said it before anyone else could take that job!) As the discussion about the robot began I sat, observed and documented. The further along we went with the task, the anxiety began to diminish. Once the anxiety was dissolved, I was able to participate more fully in the building of the robot. (Still didn't have as much knowledge as my partners, but had a few good ideas). By the end of the session, I was much more secure in my part in the lego challenge. But once again that didn't last long. We moved from lego to web banner and the real frustration set in. (Thank goodness for my tablemates and their words of encouragement). I had no problem with the conception of the banner, I knew exactly what I wanted, it was the computer that wasn't listening to my commands. By the end of the class, my frustration was through the rough and I was in the forget it mode, I'll get to it later!!. (Which I did and was able to finish the project!!)
So what did I learn about myself today: I don't like to move outside my comfort zone into areas of the unknown whether that is building robots or creating banners. I realize that the frustration felt will lead to growth (in fact, I look forward to June to see where I end up) but I don't like it!!
The best thing about today though was the support from those within my cohort. They were there to offer suggestions, advice and support in getting the tasks completed. I will survive and be better and stronger through this journey.