All stakeholders in a given area are impacted by change. In a school for instance when a new administrator takes over, all staff and students are impacted. New relationships will need to be established between adminstration and staff and students. It will take time for a bond of trust to begin to be developed and lines of true communication opened. When change is implemented it happesn in two ways: (1) consensus and mutual input & (2) "do it my way" attitude. With the consensus-mutual input way of change, those leading the way for change must be able to take control of the group while allowing them their voice and input. When others feel like their voice has been listened to they are more willing to work on bringing about the desired change. In the second scenario, when the person instituting the change doesn't take time to establish trust or positive relationships but just bulldozes the change through rebellion occurs. Those that feel change is being thrust upon them will dig in their heels and find ways to slow or stop the change from occurring. In this situation the leader must be strong and confident enough to follow through with their plan. While there are times where this approach is necessary, most of the time it builds resentment. Those looking to bring about change need to examine closely what method would be most effective based on what the goal of the change is and how immediately it needs to occur.
(written 5/24/10 transcribed 6/28/10)